Visiting National Geographic Society

and becoming National Geographic Explorer


After we received the grant from National Geographic Society, our Ingi visited the National Geographic Headquarters in Washington DC to meet, among others, our contact person Rosemary Martin and the Director of Education Holly Emert who spoke enthusiastically about the potential of Roots Guide.

This recognition would be nothing without the openness, vulnerability, and dedication of all our storytellers who has shared their very diverse migration and travel stories with us. Without your stories there would be no guidebook for social inclusion.

As the project lead of the Roots Guide project, Ingi has received the special honour of becoming a #NationalGeographicExplorer - an honour which is the result of the collaborative hard work of Rehab, Meghann, Hamzah, Daan, Ingi and the rest of the Roots Guide team!

Our storytellers, our dedicated contributors: We are forever grateful for your deeply personal contributions and are very excited to co-create Roots Guide with all of you!